Sunday, January 06, 2008

Waste of Newsprint: McGovern Op-ed In WaPo Calling For Bush Impeachment

You'd think in this hectic time of political activity, the Washington Post would have plenty to fill it's Sunday "Outlook" opinion section with.

Evidently not. The lead piece in today's Outlook was an op-ed by former Senator George McGovern, who must be like a million years old by now, calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.

It's a waste of newsprint. Titled "Why I Believe Bush Must Go," it recounts how McGovern "belatedly and painfully" reached his conclusion.

And the Post wonders why it's circulation is stagnant. The Curmudgeon agrees with much of McGovern's reasoning--but not his conclusions. The question is, why should anyone care about McGovern's personal opinion on the matter?

McGovern isn't somebody who matters today. And, as he says, he reached his conclusion "belatedly." In fact, so belatedly that it's too late to impeach the President and Vice President. McGovern "believes" the Prez "must go," but the fact is that he will be gone in just over one year. And he (like McGovern) is largely irrelevant already--he has no ability to set an agenda with Congress.

If impeaching Bush and Cheney could somehow undo all the harm they've done to this country, we'd be all for it. But it wouldn't do that--indeed, it would create more harm, paralyzing our government during an election year with a process that couldn't logically be completed until just months or weeks before the White House changes occupants anyway.

We don't have any real truck with McGovern's opinion, but by the same token there's nothing new or newsworthy in his argument. Many have already made similar arguments, much sooner.

Our problem is with the Post's judgment that this is somehow important--so important, for that matter, as to merit being the lead opinion item on a weekend between the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primaries. The fact of the matter is that NO ONE CARES what McGovern thinks at this late date. (Yes, we know--save your comments--no one cares what the Curmudgeon thinks, either.)

Whoever's running the Outlook page really needs to get a clue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The fact of the matter is that NO ONE CARES what McGovern thinks at this late date.

With all due respect, that's not a "fact". While you can certainly speak for yourself as to what you think about Senator McGovern, you've got it wrong about "no one". I was very interested in what he had to say and I welcome the insight of one of our elder statesmen on matters of national interest. That's why I read similar comments by the likes of Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter and James Baker. And, yes, I'd read an op-ed by Michael Dukakis with great interest, too.