Monday, January 14, 2008

Giuliani's Advisors Now Working For What They're Worth: Nothing

Rudy Giuliani's senior advisors reportedly are now working without pay to help the cash-strapped campaign stay afloat through the Florida primary.

Heck, they should be working for free! These are the same advisors who concocted the wacky theory that Rudy G. could lay low for the first six or seven nominating contests and somehow still be relevant come Florida. Their advice was worthless, so they're now making what they were worth all along.
After leading in national polls as late as two months ago, the Rudester had been in free fall in national polls. Indeed, McCain should richly reward Giuliani's men, because most of the Straight Talker's newfound support is clearly coming from national security conservatives abandoning the USS Giuliani as it founders in bad advice.

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