Friday, December 14, 2007

Big Trouble In Rudy Land

A new Rasmussen poll is out from Florida--the state Rudy Giuliani has been counting on as his backstop against likely losses in the smaller, early primary states.

It's not good for Rudy's later primary, large state strategy, of which we've been critical. In this new poll, Rudy has slipped to third in the Citrus state, behind Huckabee (27%)and Romney (23%). Rudy slipped from 27% and a big lead in Rasmussen's November poll to just 19% this time around.

We don't see how anyone can really view Rudy as a frontrunner anymore, and we expect the national polls will soon show that's he's not. How can Rudy get anywhere without winning at least one of the early primaries? He needs to figure out where he's going to take his stand.

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