Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Great Website To Monitor Superdelegates

A little bit ago we posted on the need to pressure uncommitted Democratic superdelegates to make a commitment so this thing doesn't go all the way to August without a nominee.

Here's a website where you can track all the uncommitted superdelegates, including ones from your state, and put some heat on them to make up their minds for the good of us all:

2008 Democratic Convention Watch

These guys are doing a tremendous public service!

Note: Here's the superdelegates from Virginia who need to get off the dime:

Senator Jim Webb (c'mon Jim, get going!)
Jim Leaman (DNC member)
C. Richard Cranwell (DNC member)
Alexis Herman (At-large DNC member)
Joe Johnson (At-large DNC member)
Jerome Wiley-Segovia (At-large DNC member)

[FYI: it appears that 10 Virginia superdelegates have declared for a candidate--six for Clinton and four for Obama, notwithstanding Obama's landslide victory in the state.]

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