Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Senator Webb's Great Committee Assignments

We like the sound of that--Senator Webb (ok, technically it's still Senator-elect Webb).

Webb has gotten the perfect set of Senate committee assignments from majority leader Harry Reid (these are still tentative assignments, but they are likely to hold up). They are:

Armed Services (he will be on the committee with Virginia's senior senator, John Warner; we predict that Webb and Warner will get along well, notwithstanding Warner's campaigning for Allen)

Foreign Relations

Veterans Affairs

Joint Economic Committee

These assignment fit Senator Webb's interests to a T. As a marine combat officer and former Secretary of the Navy, he obviously belongs on Armed Services; he has also written extensively about foreign affairs and has the requisite expertise; he has made improving benefits for veterans a priority (which will help him with the large, but somewhat skeptical, veteran population in Virginia); and he has also made economic equality--especially raising the minimum wage--a priority as well.

These assignments suit Webb, and he suits them. Good work Harry Reid.

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