Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Craig To Unresign?

It just keeps getting better and better. Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig now says he might not resign his Senate seat after all. He's hired big shot lawyer Billy Martin and some other legal and PR heavyweights and thinks maybe he can successfully challenge his guilty plea.

We love this story, so we hope Craig decides to fight. He's obviously not too bright, and certainly not principled. Keeping this thing going can only hurt the GOP. It's bad enough that the Senator with a perfect voting record of homophobia turns out to be gay, now he's going to try to turn the legal system on its head and once more prove that justice is hardly blind--the rich and powerful can always pay to get something everyone else can't.

In the end, we think it will just cost him a lot of money, cast him in a harsh spotlight, and damage his party; we don't think he'll get his guilty plea overturned. But it sure could be fun to watch!

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