Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Headlines: Bill Clinton Speaks Out; Bush Lies Exposed Again; Global Warming $$

A lot happening for a Sunday, of which we'll write more later this week.

Here's the headlines:

1. Bill Clinton gives it to Fox's Chris Wallace on Fox Sunday. About time! Our only question: Bill says he's been careful not to criticize the current administration, because it wouldn't be productive. We disagree--it's been six years; time to criticize!

2. The New York Times exposes a National Intelligence Estimate prepared in April, which flatly states that the war in Iraq is creating terrorists and complicating the war on terrorism. Presumably, Bush read the NIE at some point. But, thinking it was secret, he went out the past few weeks and just lied, lied, lied, lied to the country in a series of speeches where he asserted that the war in Iraq IS the war on terrorism.

3. Little noticed this past week, but the Dept. of Energy came out with a long-delayed, watered down limp noodle of a report outlining how the nation can combat global warming. Mix it with your discarded spinach. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton lands more than $3 billion from Richard Branson to do something real about global warming.

Oh, and lest we forget: a nice l'shana tova for George Allen.

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