Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Katrina Redux: The Colossal Incompetence of the Bush Adminstration

Last night, HBO aired the first two parts of Spike Lee's four part documentary on Hurricane Katrina. It was an excellent and moving account of a shameful episode in American history.

As we watched, we wanted to punch George Bush in the nose. It really reminded us of what a complete asshole he is.

Not that New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Lousiana Governor Kathleen Blanco were much better. We don't blame Nagin for what happened after the storm--by that time there was little he could do. But before the storm he aptly illustrated the difference between words and action: Nagin used words to order a "mandatory" evacuation, but he didn't lift a finger to make it work in a city where prior exercises had clearly shown that at least 30 percent of the population WOULD NEED ASSISTANCE to evacuate. You can't just order an evacuation--you have to prepare for and execute one. Sadly, many coastal cities still haven't learned that lesson.

Blanco was pretty pitiful as well, carrying out political grudges and dithering over important decisions.

Still, Bush was the worst, along with his cronies Chertoff and Brownie, because they had the greatest resources available, yet they just failed to grasp the true depth and extent of suffering going on while they moved at a glacial pace to provide relief. (Contrast the Coast Guard, which was ready, sprung into action and threw out all its rules, reasoning, correctly, that the situation was simply too dire).

We have to think what President Clinton would have done if this was on his watch. He would've been in New Orleans by the end of Day One. He would have been on the ground. He would've been handing out food and water. And he probably would've stayed. He would've told his people to get their butts in gear and get it done.

Two great scenes from the documentary: in one, Condoleeza Rice is trying on Ferragamo shoes in New York City while someone relates a story of a white woman who chastised her for buying shoes while New Orleans was drowning. In the second, a middle-aged African-American, referring to Bush, Blanco and Nagin, says "man, these fellows give C students a bad name."

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