Saturday, October 21, 2006

George Allen: Cut and Running Scared

President Bush visited Virginia this week to attend a fundraiser for Senator George Allen. At the fundraiser, Bush told the stalwart Republican audience that he would not quit in Iraq until "the job is done." "We will fight. We will stay. We will win in Iraq."

Bold words.

Immediately after the fundraiser, Allen met with reporters and said "America needs to adjust" in Iraq and then did his best to bear hug the more moderate, centrist positions of Virginia's senior senator, John Warner.

If not cut and running from Iraq, Allen sure is running and cutting from Bush.

Call it running scared.

But that's just the problem. In four years of war with Iraq, the junior senator stood steadfastly by the President as bad decision after bad decision after bad decision was made. He rah rah'd from the sidelines the whole way, like a good cheerleader.

But Allen was not elected cheerleader. He's a Senator. And his problem is still evident: at the fundraiser he didn't say: "You know Mr. President, it turns out you've been wrong." Instead, he waited until later, when he was with the press, to say it's time to "adjust."

Ok, Senator Allen, you've criticized Jim Webb for saying we need to adjust. Let's hear your plan.

What's that? You'll let us know AFTER the election. Riiiggghhht. Trust you.

No thanks. You had your chance. It's time to adjust our Senator.

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