Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brian Moran Blunder Nearly Gives Safe Democratic Seat To GOP

A few months ago, we would've said the smart money was on Brian Moran to win the Democratic nomination for governor of Virginia.

Now, we're not so sure. Moran has been stumbling of late, partly because the entry of former DNC chair Terry McAuliffe has put a major monkey wrench in Moran's plans.

But that's not all. Back in December, Moran suddenly resigned his House of Delegates seat to concentrate on his gubernatorial bid. Nothing wrong with that, except the timing. Moran's move forced a very quick and ill-timed special election.

Although just about everyone figured Moran's seat was safe for Democrats--his district went for Obama by about 75%--it turned out he almost gave the seat away to Republicans do to the extraordinarily low turnout. The Democrat, Charnielle Herring, won yesterday by just 16 votes, with turnout about as low as it could possibly be.

There's likely to be a recount, so Republicans in the General Assembly would not seat Herring today, but we predict she'll be seated soon.

Nice going, Brian. The smart money's starting to wonder.

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