Friday, December 28, 2007

Romney's Willie Horton/Wayne Dumond

No surprise here: Mitt Romney has his own early-released prisoner turned murderer problem from his days as Massachusetts governor.

It's only fair, since Romney has repeatedly bashed Huckabee as "soft on crime" for the release of Arkansas murderer Wayne Dumond, who later killed again in Missouri.

In this case, as reported by the Boston Globe, the killer is Daniel Tavares. After killing a mother in Massachusetts, Tavares was imprisoned in 1991. Facing many years of jail time, Tavares nonetheless managed to accumulate loads of "good time" days that could reduce his sentence--DESPITE the fact that he was involved in numerous incidents of assault on prison guards and others.

Shortly after his early release this year--based on the good time credits--Tavares travelled across the country and murdered a newlywed couple in Graham, Washington.

How does the Mittster fit in? During Romney's administration, a number of incidents involving Tavares that would have cancelled out some of his "good time" credits were never registered, thus allowing the dangerous felon out of jail a year early.

Is it the same as the Wayne Dumond case for which Huckabee has been criticized? No--it appears the Huckabee personally intervened for Dumond, whereas Romney is just guilty of poor oversight of his minions (undercutting his claim that he would be the master of good government based on his business background).

Still, since Romney's campaign has been unrelenting in its negative advertising against Huckabee, Romney deserves the slam. We continue to say that Romney is the biggest hypocrite in a field of hypocrites.

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