Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Webb's Surge Past Allen

In the past two weeks Jim Webb has surged past George Allen in the polls. Here's the timeline:

July 18: Rasmussen Poll--Webb 39%, Allen 50%

Early August: Allen: "MACACA"

August 16: Rasmussen Poll--Webb 42%, Allen 47%

August 21: Survey USA--Webb 45%, Allen 48%

August 28: Zogby/Wall Street Journal--Webb 47.9%, Allen 46.6%

This, of course, is great news for Webb. Yet, at the same time, it means Allen will up the ante and start spending some of his cash horde, enhanced by his recent fat cat fund raiser at Ed Gillespie's home with George Bush.

(Aside: Bush's security team toyed with the idea of closing down the express lanes on I-395 for a few hours so Bush could speed to the fundraiser by car. Too bad they figured out it was a bad idea and went by chopper instead. Had Bush taken the road route, the resultant traffic jam and bad publicity would have cost Allen another five points at a minimum.)

We hope Dems in the rest of the country are taking note and flood Webb's campaign with the moola necessary to counter Allen's expected push. This is a winnable race!

Look for the polls to stay close--within five points or so--for the next few weeks, with a fair amount of fluctuation back and forth.

We figured it would be early October before Webb showed this kind of momentum, so we're clearly ahead of schedule, with a ton of work yet to be done.

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